

Unleash Your Core Power: A Guide to Frontal and Transverse Plane Core Exercises

In our previous blog post (you can read that here if you missed it), we discussed unlocking the anterior chain core, essentially what we understand as our abs. Most exercises tended to focus on crunches, sit ups and other similar exercises that let the user "feel" their abs while doing it but only utilize one [...]

By | December 6th, 2023|Core, Function, Mobility & Movement|0 Comments

The Overhead Press (OHP) – Unlocking Strength and Stability

The Overhead Press, or OHP, is a powerful expression of the human body's overall function. It requires utilizing the entire kinetic chain and possessing adequate mobility and stability for proper execution. Unfortunately, the OHP has gained a somewhat negative reputation due to its demanding nature in terms of neuromuscular control and the ability to achieve [...]

By | July 28th, 2023|Core, Exercise Technique, Function, Mobility & Movement|0 Comments

Anterior Core Training: Unlock Core Strength and Enhance Athletic Performance

Core training can fall within many categories depending on our goals and intentions. Many people want to train core and end up doing crunches and planks or they want to jump to the cool looking exercises like the ab wheel. First let's get into what anterior core training is and where certain exercises fall on [...]

By | May 25th, 2023|Core, Function, Mobility & Movement|0 Comments

Low Bar or High Bar Squat Variation: Which is Better?

It's a common question: which is the better squat variation, the low bar or high bar? it depends! We're always looking for the best ways to achieve our goals, whether it's gaining muscle, getting abs, or following the best diet. But to provide the right answer, we need context. Differences between the low bar and [...]

By | April 17th, 2023|Core, Squat & Deadlift|0 Comments

Kettlebell Foundations – The Upright Plank

The Upright Plank One of the foundational concepts of Kettlebell Strength Training (and Strength Training in general) is the “Upright Plank.” The Upright Plank is the difference between controlling the Kettlebell and overswinging it. The “overswing” can be caused by overextending the hips, hyper-extending the spine, or relaxing the knees. The Upright Plank is the [...]

Bulgarian Bag Warmup – Doweling Rod

Welcome to the Bulgarian Bag Warmup - we will be using the doweling rod exclusively for this warmup sequence. The Bulgarian bag is a highly complex tool. At its baseline level, the Bulgarian bag develops tri-planar movement, improves rhythmic coordination, and challenges multi-joint flexibility. At this point, anyone who exercises should understand the benefits of [...]

Balance Exercises EVERYONE Should Master

Rationale for Balance Exercises Balance training is one of the most underrated modalities of a training program. Balance exercises are often used as a reactionary measure (to someone who has experienced an injury from a fall) rather than for the host of benefits they provide. I tend to work with clients over the age of [...]

Squat Variations for New Clients: by Courtney Parson

Our clients know how to sit on a chair. They do it every day. No matter their age, their lifestyle, their occupation, your clients squat. Even if they don't know that they do, they squat. A squat is not just an exercise, It's a movement pattern. Usually, what I find is when I ask someone [...]

Overhead Mobility: Lengthening Techniques

The main objective of stretching within a Corrective Exercise Continuum is to restore or improve "length-tension relationships" (the net resting tension at a joint; too many biceps curls results in "bodybuilder's elbows" - perma-flexed elbows). Now that the length-tension relationships are improved, [...]

Tools and Lenses – an Instructor Spotlight by Dr. Benjamin J. Stevens

When I first started training clients in my teenage years, I had this very specific perception of how I would get better at my job. I wanted to be one of the best there was! However, being completely new and green, my resume was essentially a blank piece of paper with my address on it. [...]