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The Universal Language of Skill: Technique Carryover

As a fitness professional or someone who enjoys fitness, the pursuit of mastering various skills and techniques is a constant. Learning new skills, modalities, and knowledge better allow us to assist our clients in reaching their results. Today we are going to look at how movements like the clean and snatch can be accomplished using [...]

By | April 10th, 2024|Exercise Technique|0 Comments

Leveraging Body Mechanics: Comprehensive Look at Sumo vs. Conventional Deadlifts

Introduction: The world of deadlifting is rife with discussions comparing Sumo and Conventional styles. Amidst the noise, a misconception often crops up, alleging that Sumo deadlifting is akin to cheating due to its perceived advantages. This notion stems from the belief that the reduced vertical bar travel in Sumo deadlifting makes it an easier option. [...]

By | November 1st, 2023|Exercise Technique, Squat & Deadlift|0 Comments

The Overhead Press (OHP) – Unlocking Strength and Stability

The Overhead Press, or OHP, is a powerful expression of the human body's overall function. It requires utilizing the entire kinetic chain and possessing adequate mobility and stability for proper execution. Unfortunately, the OHP has gained a somewhat negative reputation due to its demanding nature in terms of neuromuscular control and the ability to achieve [...]

By | July 28th, 2023|Core, Exercise Technique, Function, Mobility & Movement|0 Comments

Great Technique and Form: The Lost Art of Gains

Let’s dive into the often overlooked but critical aspect of fitness training - proper technique and form. We'll explore the impact of correct form on your results and the potential negative adaptations that can arise from neglecting this essential element of training. Section 1: The Power of Proper Technique and Form Mind-Muscle Connection and Muscle [...]

Do I Really Need to Warm-Up Before Working out?

(by Andrea Robb) What’s the Big Deal? “Let’s get to the workout as soon as possible” or “I need to make sure that every muscle in my body is warmed up before we workout”.  I’m sure we all are on one side or the other or somewhere in between when it comes to a proper [...]

By | May 1st, 2023|Function, Habits, Mobility & Movement, Warm Up|0 Comments

Low Bar or High Bar Squat Variation: Which is Better?

It's a common question: which is the better squat variation, the low bar or high bar? it depends! We're always looking for the best ways to achieve our goals, whether it's gaining muscle, getting abs, or following the best diet. But to provide the right answer, we need context. Differences between the low bar and [...]

By | April 17th, 2023|Core, Squat & Deadlift|0 Comments

The Benefits of the Front Squat

First the WHAT and the WHY Whether you're a personal trainer or just a fitness enthusiast, front squats are a variation of the squat that can add a lot to your program and development. Most people are familiar with the back squat and for good reason, it is one of the staples of every fitness [...]

By | March 30th, 2023|Function, Mobility & Movement, Squat & Deadlift, Warm Up|0 Comments