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What’s Next? Beyond Personal Training Certification and CECs

You took that step and got your personal training certification. Now you're wondering what's next? One of the greatest benefits of personal training is the flexibility to approach it however you want. As a personal trainer, you can decide to work in commercial, private, and/or online. Within each area, there are many opportunities for a [...]

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Personal Trainer

Do you ever feel like a fraud or an imposter? Imposter syndrome is a common experience, often amplified by not understanding its origins. For many fitness professionals, especially those just starting out, feelings of inadequacy, doubt, fear, and anxiety can be overwhelming. It can affect client acquisition, closing of sales and lacking results. Imposter syndrome [...]

Online vs. In-Person Personal Training Certifications

The barrier of entry into the fitness field is quite small compared to many other jobs. In fact, a recognized accredited personal training certification is all you need to get started. Getting into the field is the easier part, becoming successful is much harder. Becoming certified is different than being qualified. Before even considering in-person [...]

Progress not perfection

If you've ever trained with me, you'll know my favorite slogan is: "We strive for progress, not perfection." More importantly, sometimes we need to regress to progress. Understanding that perfection is not an immediate goal can transform both the coach-client relationship and the journey itself. Embracing imperfection with grace makes the process more enjoyable and [...]

The Universal Language of Skill: Technique Carryover

As a fitness professional or someone who enjoys fitness, the pursuit of mastering various skills and techniques is a constant. Learning new skills, modalities, and knowledge better allow us to assist our clients in reaching their results. Today we are going to look at how movements like the clean and snatch can be accomplished using [...]

By | April 10th, 2024|Exercise Technique|0 Comments

Knees Over Toes: Tips for Squats

"You shouldn't let your knees go over your toes." A common fitness belief that has been around for ages. It's easy to be inundated with conflicting information on all topics with the access to an infinite amount of information. Common beliefs are usually rooted in some truth that has morphed over time where the nuanced [...]

Psychology & Behavioral Coaching: How to Increase Client Adherence and Success

As a Personal Trainer, coaching our clients goes beyond the session and one singular domain. Personal trainers assist their clients in fitness, nutrition, or personal development so understanding the nuances of psychology can significantly impact client adherence and success. Beyond simply prescribing workouts or nutrition support, effective personal trainers delve into the intricacies of behavior, [...]

Unleash Your Core Power: A Guide to Frontal and Transverse Plane Core Exercises

In our previous blog post (you can read that here if you missed it), we discussed unlocking the anterior chain core, essentially what we understand as our abs. Most exercises tended to focus on crunches, sit ups and other similar exercises that let the user "feel" their abs while doing it but only utilize one [...]

By | December 6th, 2023|Core, Function, Mobility & Movement|0 Comments

Leveraging Body Mechanics: Comprehensive Look at Sumo vs. Conventional Deadlifts

Introduction: The world of deadlifting is rife with discussions comparing Sumo and Conventional styles. Amidst the noise, a misconception often crops up, alleging that Sumo deadlifting is akin to cheating due to its perceived advantages. This notion stems from the belief that the reduced vertical bar travel in Sumo deadlifting makes it an easier option. [...]

By | November 1st, 2023|Exercise Technique, Squat & Deadlift|0 Comments

Which Diet is Best for My Client?  The Skinny on Fab Diets!

By Andrea Robb Have you ever had a client say “I tried this diet but I didn’t get the results I wanted” or “what do you think of this diet?”  Every year there seems to be new diet trends popping up on the market or famous celebrities who swear by a new supplement they found [...]

By | June 16th, 2023|Habits, Nutrition|0 Comments