Squat Variations for New Clients: by Courtney Parson

By | August 27th, 2021|Categories: Core, Corrective Exercise, Instructor Spotlight, Loaded Movement, Mobility & Movement, Professional Development & Client Interaction, Squat & Deadlift, Warm Up|

Our clients know how to sit on a chair. They do it every day. No matter their age, their lifestyle, their occupation, your clients squat. Even if they don't know that they do, they squat. [...]

Overhead Mobility: Lengthening Techniques

By | June 24th, 2021|Categories: Core, Corrective Exercise, Mobility & Movement, Warm Up|

The main objective of stretching within a Corrective Exercise Continuum is to restore or improve "length-tension relationships" (the net resting tension at a joint; too many biceps curls results in "bodybuilder's elbows" - perma-flexed elbows). Now that the length-tension relationships are improved, [...]

The BCPTI Practicum – a Review

By | June 18th, 2021|Categories: Practicum, Professional Development & Client Interaction, Student Spotlights|

The BCPTI Practicum - a Review by Jamie Bagoly and Eve Chan Picking your Personal Training Certification can be tough. There are so many options, and when you are shopping online, you are only [...]

Tools and Lenses – an Instructor Spotlight by Dr. Benjamin J. Stevens

By | June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Core, Corrective Exercise, HIIT & Specialized Training, Instructor Spotlight, Loaded Movement, Mobility & Movement, Motivation, Professional Development & Client Interaction|

When I first started training clients in my teenage years, I had this very specific perception of how I would get better at my job. I wanted to be one of the best there was! [...]

Overhead Mobility: Inhibitory Techniques

By | May 21st, 2021|Categories: Core, Corrective Exercise, Mobility & Movement, Warm Up|

Welcome to a 4-part mini-series on the Corrective Exercise protocol for Overhead Mobility. In this series, I will break down the 4-stage Corrective Exercise Continuum (CEC) for the "arms fall forward" movement-compensation observed in [...]

Avoid Stress-Related Injuries this Summer

By | May 12th, 2021|Categories: Caradiovasular Health, Corrective Exercise, Mobility & Movement, Warm Up|

 Who doesn't love a good morning run through the forest? Or perhaps a beautiful summer hike with family and friends. On rare occasions, fewer things are more cathartic than floating on a lake or [...]