Upcoming Events


Likeability, Trust, & Rapport: Keys to Client / Trainer Success

Personal training as an industry continues to grow and evolve beyond the physical benefits as we recognize the mental health components. What we see is the interplay between physical health on our mental health and vice versa. For some, taking care of their physical health through exercising, being active and doing the things they love [...]

The Benefits of the Front Squat

First the WHAT and the WHY Whether you're a personal trainer or just a fitness enthusiast, front squats are a variation of the squat that can add a lot to your program and development. Most people are familiar with the back squat and for good reason, it is one of the staples of every fitness [...]

By | March 30th, 2023|Function, Mobility & Movement, Squat & Deadlift, Warm Up|0 Comments

Do You Need A Personal Training Certification?

Benefits of Certification Having a personal training certification is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, it demonstrates that a personal trainer has met certain standards and qualifications, and has completed the necessary training and education to provide safe and effective training programs to their clients. This can help to build trust and confidence between the trainer [...]

By | March 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Learning from a Pandemic

We are THRILLED to be welcoming a new instructor to the team - BCPTI graduate Kim Tasin! She completed our program in 2019 and has worked as a trainer while completing her BSc Kinesiology at UFV. Kim brings a calm, intelligent passion to the team and students will be able to learn a lot from [...]

Reflecting On A Pandemic Year – Josh

As I reflect and write this article, it has been a full 365 days since COVID-based restrictions shut doors in most communities. Initially, it was a fearful time for many. But, as it normally goes with stressful experiences, we all adapted in one way or another. For many of my previous co-workers, it meant flexing their entrepreneurial [...]

3 Things To Do For Health Outside The Gym

The statistics on how many people actually follow through and accomplish their New Year's resolutions are rather grim. Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% actually accomplish them. And we've all seen this before: Well... or maybe this: But this is not a bummer blog. Instead, I want [...]

By | January 20th, 2021|Caradiovasular Health, Habits|1 Comment