Health & Wellness

/Health & Wellness

Progress not perfection

If you've ever trained with me, you'll know my favorite slogan is: "We strive for progress, not perfection." More importantly, sometimes we need to regress to progress. Understanding that perfection is not an immediate goal can transform both the coach-client relationship and the journey itself. Embracing imperfection with grace makes the process more enjoyable and [...]

My Fitness Journey: A Personal Trainer’s Story

Hi! I'm Sarah. I'm 27 years old and work as a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach at Fitness World.  Health and fitness have interested me since I was 15 years old, although I didn't start off having a very positive relationship with food and exercise. I used to spend hours doing cardio, didn't prioritize having [...]

Greens Supplements: What’s the deal?

In recent years, the popularity of greens supplements has skyrocketed. These powdered blends claim to provide a convenient and nutrient-dense way to boost your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. But are they really worth the hype and the investment? It can be difficult for the average person to get enough micronutrients due to a [...]

By | August 22nd, 2023|Health & Wellness, Nutrition|0 Comments