May 16, 2024
My Fitness Journey: A Personal Trainer’s Story
Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m 27 years old and work as a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach at Fitness World.

Health and fitness have interested me since I was 15 years old, although I didn’t start off having a very positive relationship with food and exercise. I used to spend hours doing cardio, didn’t prioritize having a structured strength training routine, and spent so much time obsessing over tracking calories that weren’t even enough to fully fuel my body. This was all because I was trying to reach certain aesthetic goals but didn’t have the skills to create a plan that would help me reach them in a healthy way.
I became a Fitness World member at the Semiahmoo location when it first opened and will always remember how welcoming the staff was when I’d come to workout – the positive energy and community vibe made it easy to look forward to my gym time! Later on I started working with Dennis, a Personal Trainer at Fitness World, and saw the progress I had always wanted to in just over three months. I dropped my body fat percentage and gained muscle mass but most importantly finally felt strong and more confident! It was also really eye-opening to realize that I didn’t need to be so restrictive with my food choices or spend countless hours exercising to look and feel how I wanted to. This experience inspired me to get certified as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach so that I could share my knowledge with others and help them reach their goals too!
My current strength training routine consists of two upper and two lower body days each week. I finish off each workout with 20-30 minutes on a cardio machine, foam rolling and stretching, and also aim to walk 10,000 steps daily. When it comes to my nutrition, I like to aim for 100-130 grams of protein and 2 litres of water every day. This helps me feel satiated and energized and also helps me to recover properly from my workouts.
It took me a few years to find a balanced and sustainable approach to my health and fitness journey but I’m so happy that I put in the work to figure it out. Now I lead with flexibility and self-love and I’m able to reach my goals and see the progress I want while still enjoying all the fun things life throws my way! One of the most empowering things I’ve realized is that saying you’ll do something and then actually doing it helps build confidence, and that confidence you build in the gym truly trickles down into every situation in life. I’m so excited to keep furthering my career and learning even more about health and fitness so that I can help others find their strength too. You are stronger than you think!
Follow Sarah on instagram @sarahannia and if you’re looking to get some personal training, you can find her at Fitness World Semiahmoo located at 1715 152 St #120, Surrey, BC V4A 4N3
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