
/Brian Truong

About Brian Truong

Brian was a student in BCPTI's 2nd ever intake and is one of our greatest success stories! In addition to working as a highly respected personal trainer, he also holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Counselling. Brian is accomplished in many areas of fitness including multiple provincial and national powerlifting records. Brian has returned as the Director of Fitness Education for BCPTI and Fitness World combining his experience and education to assist trainers and students in becoming the best version of themselves.

7 Study Tips for NASM’s Personal Trainer Certification

Here are 7 tips that you can utilize to set yourself up for success while studying for the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Training program whether you are self-studying or apart of BCPTI. Familiarize yourself with the NASM CPT exam format and content: The NASM CPT exam is a computer-based test that consists [...]

Likeability, Trust, & Rapport: Keys to Client / Trainer Success

Personal training as an industry continues to grow and evolve beyond the physical benefits as we recognize the mental health components. What we see is the interplay between physical health on our mental health and vice versa. For some, taking care of their physical health through exercising, being active and doing the things they love [...]

Low Bar or High Bar Squat Variation: Which is Better?

It's a common question: which is the better squat variation, the low bar or high bar? it depends! We're always looking for the best ways to achieve our goals, whether it's gaining muscle, getting abs, or following the best diet. But to provide the right answer, we need context. Differences between the low bar and [...]

By | April 17th, 2023|Core, Squat & Deadlift|0 Comments

The Benefits of the Front Squat

First the WHAT and the WHY Whether you're a personal trainer or just a fitness enthusiast, front squats are a variation of the squat that can add a lot to your program and development. Most people are familiar with the back squat and for good reason, it is one of the staples of every fitness [...]

By | March 30th, 2023|Function, Mobility & Movement, Squat & Deadlift, Warm Up|0 Comments

100 Rep Leg Press Challenge

Hypertrophy? Strength? Mental Adaptations? Growth? It all started with an article about starting each work out with 100 reps on the leg press. Yes, 100 reps on the leg press before starting every work out (or at least leg day work outs) with a light enough weight that you can ideally get 100 reps unbroken. [...]

By | March 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Setting More Helpful Goals

  How many times have you “started” something only to stop and then “start” again at a later date?   One of the main obstacles in reaching our goals is the type of goals we set! Fitness professionals usually find people set vague or general goals that may look similar to these: I want to [...]

By | December 21st, 2018|Motivation|0 Comments