Professional Development & Client Interaction

/Professional Development & Client Interaction

Traits of a Great Trainer: Empathy

What is empathy? There’s a story about a trainer, Drew Manning, who purposely gained, and then lost, 70 pounds.1 He claimed he did this because, as a lifelong fitness junkie, he had a hard time understanding what some of his clients were experiencing.  So he quit working out and started eating junk food.  After gaining [...]

Influence of a Personal Trainer on Self-selected Loading During Resistance Exercise

Influence of a Personal Trainer on Self-selected Loading During Resistance Exercise. J Strength Cond Res 31(7): 1925–1930, 2017. As trainers, sometimes we under value our abilities and skill sets, but remember we can make a big difference to a client’s experience and success. Within SNFC, the application of the below research speaks to [...]

Activating the Client Training Session

In part 1 of this article we examined best practice for improving mobility & developing compliant, injury resistant muscle. In part 2 we will look at the best practice & training methods for nervous system activation. Whether the goal is athletic performance, body composition, aging gracefully or fascial fitness, progressive activation & client preparation is [...]

Engagement (7 client engagement mistakes & ways to overcome these PT business pitfalls)

At BCPTI our instructors are constantly looking for ways to help students recognize the gaps in current best practice tactics, and then give them the gap removing tools to create success in their new career endeavors. Training engagement is something we stress constantly with our trainers & students. Why is engagement so important? Engaged = [...]