

Trainer Tips: How to help your weight loss clients

  Meet Courtney – she’s a passionate fitness professional, a committed life-long learner and a BCPTI grad with an incredible story!  We asked her to share what it meant to achieve weight loss and a better mindset about fitness, and what her life/career has been like since she started working as a personal trainer.  Plus, [...]

By | October 17th, 2019|Habits, Motivation, Student Spotlights|0 Comments

3 Mistakes I Made As A New Trainer

I’ve been lucky enough to work in coaching & fitness for about 20 years now and I’ve helped lots of people learn about exercise, overcome lots of different challenges and train for different types of goals.  I have always loved this job because it’s really rewarding to make an impact and because the nature of [...]

Assertiveness: The art of communicating what you need

You may be wondering what exactly is Assertiveness and why does it matter? Assertiveness is a form of communication alongside aggressive and passive. Each style has different characteristics to differentiate them. For example, Assertiveness is only being able to express your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions without violating the rights of others. On the other [...]

By | April 9th, 2019|Habits|0 Comments

Things You Should Never Forget To Do Before & After A Workout

The exercises you do during your time at the gym are very important and are going to be the exercises responsible for getting you to your goal. That much is certain! However, what you do before and after your workouts are going to determine how quickly you get to your goal, and how comfortable it [...]

By | April 1st, 2019|Habits|0 Comments

Should You Workout While Sick?

  You start enjoying your new exercise routine and without any signs come a cold or flu. What you should do? Skip the gym? Go to the gym with no energy and the risk of injury? […]

By | March 25th, 2019|Habits|0 Comments